Rotational Analysis

For some reason Pico-8 is the only environment that really beckons me to be creative. For the most part I really like the challenge of making something interestingly complex, with minimal code.


Up and Down : Move through parameters

Left and Right : Change currently selected parameter by 10

X and C : Change currently selected parameter by 1

Left + Right : Reset current parameter to 0

X + C : Change between discrete steps [-] and continuous analogue steps [~]

There is a mouse position option [MSE] that is intended for use on touchscreens, turn it off at desired location to hold it in that position.

On top of the obvious messing about, I found that when AMP and RADB are in the high thousands, and are relatively close to each other in value, other different patterning emerge.

Hexagon in C

/*Written as a part of Homework 2 on 10/4/2020 for Advanced Technical Progragraming taught by Larry Speakman at MSU Denver.
This program draws a hexagon for the user using various characters as the filler.
TODO:Add the feature for repeating horizontallyAdd Hollow fillerAdd the Ability to change the width of outlineAdd ability to make the outline and filler different chars.
"The force that makes the winter grow Its feathered hexagons of snow , and drives the bee to match at home Their calculated honeycomb, Is abacus and rose combined. An icy sweetness fills my mind , A sense that under thing and wing Lies, taut yet living , coiled, the spring."  ---Jacob Bronowski (1908 -- 1974)
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){  int i,j,k,l; // Counting Variables  int shrink = 0; // Used to shrink the filling on the bottom half of hexagon  int repeatNum = 0; // How many times a user wants to repeat the sequence  int isRepeat = 0; // After running for the first time tells tells the loop to account for multiple instances  int hexHeight = 16; // The amount in lines that user wants the height of the hexagon  float characterPad = 2.5; //Because charcters dont take up extaly the same amount of pixels in height and width, this is used to get a close approximation for the sides of the heaxgon to be equal.  float characterPadTemp = 0; // Temporarily holds the users prefered character padding.  char userChar = '#'; // Users prefered character to be used for filler
  printf("How tall in lines do you want your hexagon? \n");  scanf("%d",&hexHeight);
  printf("What character would you like to use as filler? \n");  scanf(" %c",&userChar);    printf("How many times do you want your hexagon repeated? \n");  scanf(" %d",&repeatNum);
  printf("Enter the character height to width ratio (around 2 to 3), if you are not certain, type N and hit enter and the default value (2.5) will be used: \n");  scanf(" %f",&characterPadTemp);
  //Use user input if they didnt choose the default value  if (characterPadTemp != 'N' ){    characterPad = characterPadTemp;  }
  int midRow = hexHeight/2 + hexHeight%2; // Calculates how many rows it takes to get the middle, it also accounts for odd numbers  int sideLen = ((midRow*2*(3^(-(1/2))))/(characterPad)); // Finds the side length using half the height of the hexagon approximately  int hexWidth = 2 * sideLen; // Finds the max width of the hexagon.   int growthRate = ((hexWidth-sideLen)/midRow); // Determines how fast the hexagon width should grow for each line
  // Repeat as many times as the user dictates  for (l = 0; l < repeatNum + 1; l++){    // Itterate through the height of the hexagon    for (i = 0 - isRepeat; i <= hexHeight; i++) {      // Is it on the growing or shrinking side?      if (i > midRow){        shrink = shrink + 2;      }      //Pad in the characters for proper alignment      for(k=0; k <= ((sideLen/2) - (growthRate*(i-shrink)/2)); ++k){        printf(" ");      }      //Draw the filling of the hexagon      for (j = 0; j <= ((growthRate*(i-shrink) + sideLen)); j++) {        printf("%c",userChar);      }      printf("\n");    }    // Reset or set the values for the next run through    shrink = 0;    isRepeat = 1;    }  /*  printf("Side length: %d\n",sideLen);  printf("Mid Row: %d\n",midRow);  printf("Hex Width: %d\n",hexWidth);  printf("Growth Rate: %d\n",growthRate);  */  return 0;}

Cocktail Sort in C


   Written as a part of Homework 2 on 10/4/2020 for Advanced Technical Progragraming taught by Larry Speakman at MSU Denver.

   This program can either prompt a user for inputs of number, or randomly generate a seris of numbers. The sorts them.

     "Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."

       -- Albert Einstein (1879 -- 1955)


   #include <stdio.h>

   void tablePrint(int intArray[], int arrLength, int startPoint, int maxNum);

   int randGen(int upper, int lower, int count, int seed);

   int main(void) {

   char userRepeat;

   do {

   int sortVis = 1; // Change this to 0 if you want to for go the graphics

   int randFill = 1; // Changes this to 1 if you want the array to auto fill itself with random numbers

   int randMax = 43; //Upper limit of the random number generator

   int randMin = 1; //Lower limit of the random number generator.

   int randSeed = 1337; //If you need consistent results this see can be used.

   int updateTime = 24700; //How ofthe the graphics update

   int cyclesComplete = 0; //How many times the sorter has gone back and forth

   int holdNum = 0; //Temporary variable for holding the users input

   int maxInputs = 30; //Total number of numbers to be inputed and sorted

   int startNum = 1; // How far into the array would you like to sort it.

   int zeroCount = 0; // How many times has the user typed 0

   int madeSwap = 0; // Tracks if the sort algorithms have swapped a number in this cycle

   int sortMax = 1; //Tracks if the program is doing sorting the max values

   int sortMin = 1; //Tracks if the program is doing sorting the min values

   int notDoneSort = 1; // A boolean like variable that tells the program when it is done sorting.

   int maxNum = 0; // Holds the biggest number found

   int minNum = 0; // holds the smallest number found

   int userInput[maxInputs]; // Array to hold the numbers to be processed

   userInput[0] = 0; //Setting the first entry as zero, to prevent any uassigned variable issues

   int userInputUnsorted[maxInputs]; // Array for the coppy of the input

   int arrSize = (sizeof userInput / sizeof *userInput); // Used to pass to the print function so that it can properly print it.

   //If you dont want to enter nubmers this setting can be turned on to generate random numbers.

   if (randFill == 1){

     for(int s = startNum; s <= maxInputs; s++){

       userInput[s] = randGen(randMax, randMin, maxInputs, randSeed);



   //Prompt user for input, if they enter a zero, tell them to enter again, count the zero inputs

   else if (randFill == 0){

   printf("Please enter %d inputs:\n",maxInputs);

   for (int m = startNum; m <= maxInputs;){


       printf("Enter #%d number:", m);

       scanf(" %d",&holdNum);

       if (holdNum == 0){

         printf("Enter a number other than 0\n");



       else if (holdNum != 0 ){

         userInput[m] = holdNum;


         holdNum = 0;


     } while (holdNum != 0);



   //Copy unsorted data

   for (int n = 0; n <= maxInputs; n++){

     userInputUnsorted[n] = userInput[n];


   //Coditioning before sort procedure.

   int padLen = maxNum/2 + maxNum%2;

   minNum = userInput[1];

   //Sorting the data

   do {

     for (int p = startNum; p <= maxInputs;){

       if (sortVis == 1){

       printf("%*.20s\n",padLen+6,"Going Forward");


       printf("Min: %d & Max: %d & Cycles: %d\n",minNum,maxNum, cyclesComplete);

       tablePrint(userInput, arrSize , 0, maxNum);




       //Checking the larger numbers

       if (userInput[p] > userInput[p+1] && p < maxInputs){

         if (userInput[p] > maxNum){

         maxNum = userInput[p];


         userInput[0] = userInput[p+1];

         userInput[p+1] = userInput[p];

         userInput[p] = userInput[0];

         madeSwap = 1;


       else if(madeSwap == 0) {sortMax = 0;}



     for (int p = maxInputs; p >= startNum;){

       if (sortVis == 1){

       printf("%*.20s\n",padLen+6,"Going Back");


       printf("Min: %d & Max: %d & Cycles: %d\n",minNum,maxNum,cyclesComplete);

       tablePrint(userInput, arrSize , 0, maxNum);




       //checking the smaller numbers

       if (userInput[p] < userInput[p-1] && p >= startNum){

         if (userInput[p] < minNum){

         minNum = userInput[p];


         userInput[0] = userInput[p-1];

         userInput[p-1] = userInput[p];

         userInput[p] = userInput[0];

         madeSwap = 1;


       else if (madeSwap == 0){sortMin = 0;}



     //Is sorting done yet?

     if (sortMax == 0 && sortMin == 0){

       if (maxNum == 0){

         maxNum = minNum;


       notDoneSort = 0;


     else{madeSwap = 0;}

     //counting the cycles


   } while (notDoneSort == 1);


   //Print the entire information for the user.

   padLen = maxNum/2 + maxNum%2;


   tablePrint(userInput, arrSize , startNum, maxNum);


   tablePrint(userInputUnsorted, arrSize , startNum, maxNum);

   printf("Zeros entered: %d\n",zeroCount);

   printf("Min Number: %d\n",minNum);

   printf("Max Number: %d\n",maxNum);

   printf("Cycles completed: %d\n",cyclesComplete);

   printf("Type N to quit, otherwise any other entry will repeat the program\n:");

   scanf("%c", &userRepeat);



   //Cycles htrough an array with ints, and make a string of stars as long as the integer values

   void tablePrint(int userArray[], int arrLength, int startPoint, int maxNum){

     // Takes an array and prints stars for the value in each position

     // Used for visualizing sorting algorythims

     for (int k = 0; k <= maxNum+5; k++){




     for (int i = startPoint; i <= arrLength; i++ ){

       int userNum = userArray[i];


         for (int j = 1; j <= userNum; j++){





     for (int k = 0; k <= maxNum+5; k++){





   //Generates a random number

   int randGen(int upper, int lower, int count, int seed){

       int r;

       int num;


       for (r = 0; r < count; r++) {

               num = (rand() %

             (upper - lower + 1)) + lower;


     return num;
